DISCover Yourself and Others

Discover why you are the way you are and how to best relate to others.

This 8-session Bible-based course will open a world of opportunity by revealing how you can build stronger, healthier relationships.

Using a highly-effective personality discovery tool, Martin Deacon will help you learn your own unique strengths and weaknesses that you bring to every relationship and task. You’ll improve relationships and recognize how God has given you the freedom to be exactly who you are made to be.

In an entertaining and enjoyable way, you will gain an understanding of those you regularly interact with, recognize why they behave the way they do and discover what is motivating them. This course will enable you to discover, experience and apply the four personality temperaments in order to enhance and positively impact your success - both personally and professionally.

You will gain practical skills to build stronger, healthier, and more Godly relationships.

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